Saturday, September 27, 2008


Addie loves her cousins. Cole & Kyleigh are so good with Addie-they are so patient and they include her in so much. She loves to see them come off the bus from school. We've taken some pretty cute pictures in the last few weeks that I just had to share. I love my niece & nephew and am so glad that Addison gets to grow up around them!

After a long day of playing with her cousins, Addie is ready to cuddle up with her Uncle Justin.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Time flies so fast!

I was watching/listening to the presidential debate tonight and decided it was a good time to scroll through some old pictures I have of Addison. I am amazed at how different she looked from when she was an infant. I loved taking a look back and thought I would post a few of my favorites so anyone who happens to stop by could enjoy them too.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hamburger Heaven

My girl is getting so big. It used to be that I had to cut everything up into small pieces so she could swallow without choking. No longer. Addie loves whole hamburgers. I love watching her eat them. She shakes when she tries to fit her mouth around's hilarious how determined she is to get the thing in her mouth. So, here's to hamburgers and the joy they bring to my Addie (and me too!)